Enhancing R&D productivity in MidPharma

On the 24th and 25th April, we had the pleasure of hosting our annual face-to-face MidPharma R&D Symposium in London, the first since the COVID-19 pandemic. The event began with a networking dinner on the evening of the 24th followed by facilitated discussions on the 25th.

The symposium was attended by 13 R&D Leaders from 9 European-headquartered MidPharmas.

We facilitated sub-group discussions on how to enhance R&D productivity, with a focus on:

  • Enhancing productivity of the project-function matrix
  • Optimising decision-making and capabilities
  • Blending external and internal innovation


From our lively and fascinating Chatham House Rule discussions, it was clear that MidPharmas which pilot or implement new ways to address R&D challenges are those that have the best chance of success. Simply living with challenges is not an option.

We are already looking forward to hosting our R&D symposium next year. Please contact John Rountree, Andrew Bell or John Gregson for more information or to request an invitation.