
European entry – How Biotechs Can Succeed in Europe

The European pharmaceutical market is the second largest globally after the US. In 2017 the markets accounted for 22.2% and 48.1% of world pharmaceutical sales, respectively, and for sales of new medicines launched between 2012-2017 the trend continues – 64.1% for US compared to 18.1% for the top 5 markets in Europe (France, Germany, Italy, Spain and UK), and the size of the market is set to grow by 25% by 2022.

Europe clearly presents an excellent opportunity for many pharmaceutical companies and biotechs, but it can be a confusing market to enter.

The European market has a unique structure with the majority of countries, those in the EU, having a common regulator which provides a single pathway to allow products to be marketed in all 28 EU countries. The market is however fractured at a country level and each country can decide its own market access, pricing and also individually grant marketing authorisation, so it is imperative that companies understand the markets they wish to enter.

Europe poses challenges that other markets don’t so the question for many companies is how to access these markets and this depends on their ambition. Do you want to create a geographic footprint of your own in Europe or do you want to access the Market but keep your main focus on home markets? At Novasecta we help companies with two defined approaches:

  • Self-commercialisation
  • Strategic Collaborations and partnering

These are both great strategies to enter Europe, but each company needs to evaluate which is best for them.

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