Strengthen and rebalance R&D capabilities

A rebalanced and strengthened R&D organisation with enriched capabilities in key areas relevant to the new corporate strategy


Following a new corporate strategy, a MidPharma had re-oriented its R&D strategy to improve external innovation sourcing and broaden its technology focus

Though the new strategy was clear, the details of the capabilities required to execute it, both existing and new, were less clear, and there was no step-wise plan to rebalance capabilities


Thoroughly assessed and challenged functional resourcing plans based on context-relevant experience and relevant benchmarks

Interviewed a selection of senior executives in companies that had been on similar journeys to build the required new capabilities

Created and aligned R&D leadership on a resourcing and capability roadmap, ratified this with relevant governance committees and secured commitment to implement

  • Top management alignment on a clear and sequenced plan to add new capabilities in both recombinant proteins and translational medicine, and to increase outsourcing flexibility
  • New hires for key capabilities and a leaner outsourcing model for non-core activities that together enabled the more effective progression of a much more innovative pipeline